Documents constituting the basic guidelines for the preparation of an application for the HRS4R Logo:
- The new European Charter for Researchers is an annex to COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION of 18 December 2023 on a European framework to attract and retain research, innovation and entrepreneurial talents in Europe - Annex II, from page 18
Polish version: (zaleceń Rady UE z dnia 18 grudnia 2023 r. w sprawie europejskich ram mających na celu przyciąganie i zatrzymywanie talentów w obszarze badań naukowych, innowacji i przedsiębiorczości w Europie - Załącznik II, od str. 18) - The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
Polish version: Europejska Karta Naukowca i Kodeks Postępowania przy rekrutacji pracowników naukowych - Code of Ethics for a Researcher - 3rd edition (2020)
Polish version: Kodeks Etyki Pracownika Naukowego - Wydanie III (rok 2020)
Other documents:
- The functioning of men and women in science. Survey results, Study of the NCN Research and Evaluation Team and the Committee for Analyses of Scientific Activity of the NCN Council, Kraków, February 2022
Polish version: Funkcjonowanie kobiet i mężczyzn w nauce. Wyniki sondażu, Opracowanie Zespołu ds. Analiz i Ewaluacji NCN oraz Komisji Analiz Aktywności Naukowej Rady NCN, Kraków, luty 2022 r. - Act of 20 July 2018 - The Law on Higher Education and Science
- Polish version: Ustawa z dnia 20.07.2018 r. Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce
- The Act on copyright and related rights of 4 February 1994
Polish version: Ustawa z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych - Law e-Assistance Service
Polish version: Pomocnik Prawny - Open Science
Polish version: Otwarta Nauka - Creative Commons Licenses
- The University of Lomza, recognizing that ethics in scientific research is an essential element ensuring integrity, transparency, and responsibility in science—thus playing a fundamental role in maintaining high research standards and fostering public trust in academic institutions and their staff—has adopted the Code of Ethics for Scientific Researchers (Polish version Kodeks Etyki Pracownika Naukowego), which is annexed to Resolution No. 2/2020 of the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences, dated June 25, 2020.
This Code serves as a standardized guide for every academic teacher, setting standards and best practices in research work. It defines the fundamental principles that researchers should follow, such as honesty, objectivity, and accuracy in presenting their findings, as well as respect for research participants, including adherence to confidentiality and informed consent principles.
The adoption and implementation of the Code of Ethics for Scientific Researchers reflect the University of Lomza’s commitment to promoting the highest scientific standards and represent a step toward building a responsible and ethical academic culture, ultimately enhancing the quality and credibility of scientific research.